Lola Laveau Burlesque

Burlesque with an Edge – Miss Mouse

The Ferocious Femme Fatale

The edgier sister of lola Laveau. New York-born. SThlM-BASED.
PROFESSIONAL DANCER, Burlesque teacher and artist.
”Kill of the night” @ Stockholm International Burlesque Festival, 2019
Photo: John-Paul Bichard
”Kill of the night” @ Stockholm International Burlesque Festival, 2019
Photo: John-Paul Bichard
Kitten, Stockholm International Burlesque Festival, 2018
Photo: Alex Araya
Where iT all started. Bushwick, brooklyn, new york
Photo: John-Paul Bichard
tassel twirling champion, 2018
Photo: John-Paul Bichard
Stockholm International Burlesque Festival, 2019
”Hurts” Dutch burlesque festival, 2022
Photo: Lara DeLorean
Dutch burlesque festival, 2022
dutch burlesque festival, 2022
SassClass, New York City, 2017